
In the Beginning

Once Upon a Time Like most of you, I started my life very young. In fact, I don't remember much about it. Part of the year it was very cold in my southern Ohio Home. In about 1938 my dad had bought 70 acres, with a house and barn, a couple miles north of the Ohio River, some 30 miles east of Cincinnati. . Doing a little reminiscing... Dad was an oil painting Artist in the beginning of his adult life. That was the '30s at the beginning of the depression. In the late '30's he got a job with the state doing art work for the various state buildings and he actually made some money. He was tired of the party artist life of his 20s so he took some money and bought a 120 year old red brick house along with the 100 acres that it sat on near Point Pleasant, the birthplace of General Grant. The house was a 2 story 4 room rectangle with the kitchen off to the side. 2 of the rooms were livable. That means glass panes in all the windows.